Children who have special learning needs and have been found eligible for special education services because of a disability are called “exceptional students”. Services that are provided in schools are called Exceptional Student Education or ESE services. ESE services are provided to families free of charge.
ESE services are designed to help students learn the information and skills that other children are learning in the general education curriculum. These services can include therapy, counseling, adaptive equipment, transportation, accommodations and/or modifications.
To receive ESE services students must be found legally eligible using the State of Florida definitions of individual disabilities. Each category of a disability has its own legal criteria.
The Exceptional Student Education Department is committed to giving the exceptional student the means of achieving academically and socially as specified on the student's Individual Education Plan.
If you have any questions about ESE eligibility or ESE services please contact the guidance counselor at your child's school or the Exceptional Student Education office at 850-674-8734 ext 228.