We now have a Focus app available for download on your phone. This will allow you to monitor your child's grades and attendance right in the palm of your hand. To download the app go to:
for iPhone, go to https://apps.apple.com/us/app/calhoun-county-school-focus/id1572896188
for Android, go to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.focusschoolsoftware.calhounflschools
Instructions (after you download the app))
1. If you do not have a parent account, proceed to step 2.
If you already have a parent account in Focus, you can simply log in. If you have a parent account but need to add another child, click on the second orange button under the login area that says "click here to add another student to your existing account." To add a student you will need the student ID and the 4 digit pin (lunch number). If you do not know this information, please contact your child's school.
2. Underneath the login area click on the orange button that says "click here to register for a new account"
Complete the form using your legal first name and last name as it appears on your state identification or driver's license.. Be sure to write down the email and password you entered. Once you click submit you will be taken to a screen that asks you to add students.
You will need
- the student ID
- pin (lunch #)
- the last 4 digits of the student's social security number
After entering all the required information you will be directed to your child's information in Focus.
If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding the Focus app, please contact:
Tiffany Nichols
Instructional Technology Specialist
850-674-8734 ext 243